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...I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Rev 21:6b

Quench Ministries

Quench Ministries

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Quench Ministries is a registered 501c3 non-profit evangelism and humanitarian aid organization.

Quench helps facilitate the digging of freshwater wells for the underserved around the world.

100% of ALL financial donations go directly to the mission field.


Where Have
We Been

Get to Know Us

Quench Ministries has had a direct  hand in digging 11 wells thus far in Africa, but we've helped in other places too: 

  • Malawi & Zimbabwe: Africa

  • Peru & Ecuador: South America

  • Mongolia & Philippines: Asia

  • Moldova/Romania & Ukraine: Europe

  • Orissa: India

  • Utah, New Mexico, Arizona: USA


About Bill Evans

People call me, Brother Bill. I like racing cars, fishing, and Jesus. I'm the President of Quench Ministries, a Non-Profit that helps facilitate the digging of fresh-water wells for underserved people around the world.

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